WordPress-optimized page, asset, and object caching on Managed WooCommerce Stores
Caching helps to keep your WordPress site running at peak performance. Rather than generating your content every time a visitor views a page on your website, caching allows that content to be delivered immediately. This leads to faster page load times, lower hosting costs, and an overall better user experience.
How our caching system works
When a visitor accesses a page through a typical WordPress installation, the server has to generate the content before it can be delivered. This leads to longer page load times and increased processing. Page caching solves this issue by looking at what's been requested, and serving up a pre-processed version instead.
Object caching
Of course, when it comes to dynamic content, page caching isn't always an option. That's where an additional layer, object caching, comes into play. Although the full contents of the page can't be cached, some things still can be. For example, even if the content changes, the navigation bar may be the same on each version of the page. Rather than looking it up from the database every time it's displayed, it can be pulled directly from the object cache, saving on server resources and page load times.
Dynamic site acceleration
Taking it even further, dynamic site acceleration can replicate that cached content across the globe. Caching to multiple points of presence based on the closest server, your site stays fast whether the visitor is located in New York, LA, or London.
Caching layers
To gain a better understanding of the caching process, here's what it looks like:
- Site visitor requests a page.
- If the page is available in cache, the fully cached version is used.
- If the page is dynamic or not available, the server will check the object cache for any internally cached objects when generating the page.
- Content is delivered from the closest server.
- If the content wasn't previously available in the cache but can be cached for later, it's stored for the next time it's needed.