Translated versions of legal agreements and policies are provided solely as a convenience to facilitate reading and understanding the English versions. The goal in providing translations of legal agreements and policies is not to create a legally binding agreement and not be a substitute for the legal validity of the English versions. In case of any dispute or conflict, the English versions of legal agreements and policies in any case govern our relationship and will prevail over the terms in any other language.
Products purchased from, LLC may be refunded only if cancelled within the refund period specified below in this policy. Some products have different policies or requirements for a refund associated with them, including some products that are not eligible for a refund under any circumstance. Please see below for refund terms applicable to such products.
“Date of the transaction”, for the purpose of this Refund Policy, means the date of purchase of any product or service, which includes the date any renewal is processed by, LLC in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable product or service agreement (see here).
"Refund Period", you may cancel a product at any time, but a refund will only be issued if you request a refund with GoDaddy's customer service within the refund time frame specified for the applicable product, if available at all.
No Refund After Account Closure. If eligible for a refund, it is necessary for you to request a refund prior to account closure. You may elect to close your account with us at any time, but upon account closure you will no longer be eligible for a refund as otherwise permitted under this Refund Policy.
BRAZILIAN CUSTOMERS: Any and all Products or Services sold by GoDaddy may be refunded only if cancelled within SEVEN (7) DAYS from the date of the transaction.
Standard Refund Terms
Annual Plans+ - Within 30 days of the date of the transaction.
Monthly Plans*+ - Within 48 hours of the date of the transaction.
*Monthly Plans include all plans with less than a 1-year term (e.g., 6 mos., 9 mos., etc.)
+Security products with remediation service cannot be refunded once a cleanup request has been submitted._
Products with Special Refund Terms
Ad Spend
For SEV Premium, the ad spend and search marketing fees are non-refundable for the current month. We may refund future pre-paid months and future-month additional ad spend and search marketing fees.
Assisted Service
Refundable after the initial three months.
Auction Featured Listings
Refundable during first 24 hours if there are no bids.
Auctions Additional Categories
Refundable during the first 48 hours if there are no bids.
Domain Backorders
If a Domain Backorder credit has been applied to an auction, then it is non-refundable (if not yet applied to an auction, eligible for a refund within 30 days of the date of the transaction).
Domain Block Products
- New Registration - non-refundable.
- Auto Renewal - renewal fees are non-refundable after the expiration date.
- Manual Renewal - non-refundable.
Domain Name Registrations/Renewals
1. Standard Terms
- New Registration: 5 Days (120 Hours)
- Auto-Renewal (one-year): 45 Days (1080 hours)
- Auto-Renewal (multiple-year): 5 Days (120 Hours)
- Manual Renewal: 5 days (120 Hours)
2. Exceptions
- .AU: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 3 Days (72 Hours)
- .COM.AU: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 3 Days (72 Hours)
- .NET.AU: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 3 Days (72 Hours)
- .ORG.AU: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 3 Days (72 Hours)
- .CZ: Manual Renewal - 59 Days (1416 Hours)
- .IT: Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 14 Days (336 Hours)
- .MX: New Registration - 45 Days (1080 Hours) Registration fee frozen during period, no charge. Fee is charged at day 46, No refund. If the domain name is deleted during the Grace Period the fee is unfrozen.
- .COM.MX: New Registration - 45 Days (1080 Hours) Registration fee frozen during period, no charge. Fee is charged at day 46, No refund. If the domain name is deleted during the Grace period the fee is unfrozen.
- .PE: Manual Renewal - 29 Days (696 Hours)
- .COM.PE: Manual Renewal - 29 Days (696 Hours)
- .NET.PE: Manual Renewal - 29 Days (696 Hours)
- .NOM.PE: Manual Renewal - 29 Days (696 Hours)
- .ORG.PE: Manual Renewal - 29 Days (696 Hours)
- .PH: Manual Renewal - 59 Days (1416 Hours)
- .COM.PH: Manual Renewal - 59 Days (1416 Hours)
- .NET.PH: Manual Renewal - 59 Days (1416 Hours)
- .ORG.PH: Manual Renewal - 59 Days (1416 Hours)
- .SE: Manual Renewal - 69 Days (1656 Hours)
- .SG: Manual Renewal - 29 Days (696 Hours)
- .SO: Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 4 Days (96 Hours)
- .COM.SO: Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 4 Days (96 Hours)
- .NET.SO: Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 4 Days (96 Hours)
- .ORG.SO: Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 4 Days (96 Hours)
- .UK: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 5 Days (120 Hours)
- .CO.UK: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 5 Days (120 Hours)
- .ME.UK: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 5 Days (120 Hours)
- .ORG.UK: New Registration / Auto-Renewal / Manual Renewal - 5 Days (120 Hours)
3. Pre-Registrations
- For gTLD pre-registrations, application fees are non-refundable*.
*For more information on pre-registration refunds with Donuts Inc. family of TLDs, see Donuts’ Pre-Registration Refunds and Auctions Policy
Expert Services
If an Expert Service has already been performed, then it is non-refundable (if not yet performed, eligible for a refund within 30 days of the date of the transaction).
Get Started Service
If a Get Started Service has already been performed, then it is non-refundable (if not yet performed, eligible for a refund within 30 days of the date of the transaction).
GoDaddy Airo™ All Access
Refundable during the first 7 days (except for 12 week offer which is non-refundable)
GoDaddy Airo™ Plus
Annual subscriptions are refundable during the first 7 days. If you have already used the Airo™ Advanced Logo Generator or Airo™ Advanced Image Generator during the billing period, the Airo™ Advanced Logo Generator or Airo™ Advanced Image Generator portion of your subscription is non-refundable.
GoDaddy IT Services
If IT Service has already been performed, then it is non-refundable (if not yet performed, eligible for a refund within 30 days of the date of the transaction).
- Annual Subscriptions: Non-refundable
- Monthly Subscriptions: If one or more request(s) have been completed during the billing period, your monthly subscription is non-refundable.
Hosting Services
If a Hosting Service has already been performed, then it is non-refundable (if not yet performed, eligible for a refund within 30 days of the date of the transaction).
Microsoft M365 and Email Products
Annual plans for Microsoft M365 products are refundable during the first 7 days (standard refund terms apply for monthly plans).
Standard refund terms apply to Advanced Email Security, Email Archiving and Email Back Up.
Purchased Product w/ Free Domain
In the event any purchased product includes a free domain name, if you cancel the purchased product, the list price for the domain name will be deducted from the refund amount (the list price is the price of the domain name listed on GoDaddy’s website and is not subject to any promotion, discount, or other reduction in price).
Website Services:
- Build Fee: 30% cancellation fee when in progress, 70% cancellation fee when site design is delivered for review. Non-refundable once first revision is completed or after 30 days of the date of the transaction. Once performance has begun, web service design is considered completed 180 days from the date of the transaction and will not be eligible for a refund thereafter.
- Hosting: Eligible for a refund as defined in the "Standard Refund Terms" stated above.
Logo Design: 40% cancellation fee when in progress, non-refundable once artwork delivered or within 30 days of the date of the transaction.
Website Makeover Services: 30% cancellation fee when in progress, 70% cancellation fee when site design is delivered for review, non-refundable once complete.
Website Care and Marketing Services: If you purchase Website Care or Marketing Services and the plan has been used during the billing period, your subscription is non-refundable.
Marketing Services Premium: Marketing Services that are included in a bundle with Website Design Services will be closed and ineligible for a refund after 6 weeks of no customer contact.
Usage of Website Care and Marketing Services is either defined by GoDaddy completing 1 or more requests or, in the event plan is bundled with a Website Design Service, the site design is delivered.
If no usage of the Website Care or Marketing Services plan has occurred, you are eligible for a refund as defined in the “Standard Refund Terms” stated above.
SEO Services
SEO Services is a 12-month commitment; in order to receive best results, you are expected use the Services for the entire 12-month term.
For all SEO Services plans, you can cancel within 48 hours of the date of the transaction and receive a full refund for any remaining months in your committed term, to your original payment method. No refund will be issues for the prior months.
If you purchase a monthly plan and cancel more than 48 hours after the date of the transaction, you agree to pay for that current month of SEO Services, but GoDaddy will not bill you for any future months. However, you will not be refunded the cost of the current or past months.
If you purchase a semiannual or annual plan and cancel more than 48 hours after the date of the transaction, you agree to pay for the current month of SEO Services and GoDaddy will issue a 50% prorated refund to your original payment method for any remaining unused months.
Sitelock 911
You may request a refund within 30 days from the date of transaction ONLY IF you have not yet activated the product.
Social Media Management
You can cancel Social Media Management at any time and we will not bill you for future months. However, you will not be refunded the cost of the present or past months since the service has already been performed. If you cancel Social Media Management and request a refund within 48 hours of initially purchasing or renewing, you can receive a full refund for that month of service. After 48 hours, however, you are responsible for paying for that month, but will not be billed for future months.
Trustee Fees
Trustee fees are refundable if the domain was not successfully registered. Trustee fees, however, are non-refundable upon renewal.
Websites + Marketing (Websites and Marketing)
Annual plans for Websites + Marketing are refundable during the first 7 days (standard refund terms apply for monthly plans).
Website Migration Services
If a Website Migration Service has already been performed, then it is non-refundable (if not yet performed, eligible for a refund within 30 days of the date of the transaction).
Website Security
Refunds are only available within 30 days of purchase and will only be issued in cases where a manual malware removal was not completed.
WordPress Premium Support
Refunds may be granted if the plan is cancelled prior to the end of the billing cycle and none of the credits have been used. If a Service has already been performed during the month, then that month is non-refundable (if not yet performed, eligible for a refund within 30 days of the date of the transaction). Future unused months of the services may also be refunded if the plan is cancelled and a pre-payment was made.
Products Not Eligible for Refunds
- Appraisals (Express and Certified Appraisals are non-refundable if the customer already applied the credit).
- Auctions Memberships
- Cloud Servers
- Configuration Add-Ons
- Discount Domain Club (if used for purchase)
- Domain: Auctions, Buy Service (you may request a refund ONLY IF you have not submitted a bid on the domain the service was purchased for), Consolidation or Monitoring
- Hosting Connection paid Apps (not refundable once set up)
- Merchant Accounts
- Office Max Bundles
- Premium Domain Names
- Redemption Fees
- Transfers (if successful)
- All Registrations or Renewals in the following TLD’s are fully non-refundable:
- Registrations or Renewals in the following TLD’s are refundable, except for the condition in parentheses (in which case, they are non-refundable):**
.AMSTERDAM (New Registration and Manual Renewal Only) .ARCHI (Manual Renewal Only) .BIO (Manual Renewal Only) .SKI (Manual Renewal Only) .CA (Manual Renewal Only) .CZ (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .IT (New Registration Only) .MX (Manual Renewal Only) .COM.MX (Manual Renewal Only) .PE (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .COM.PE (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .NET.PE (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .NOM.PE (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .ORG.PE (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .PH (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .COM.PH (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .NET.PH (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .ORG.PH (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .SE (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .SG (New Registration and Auto-Renewal Only) .SO (New Registrations Only) .COM.SO (New Registrations Only) .NET.SO (New Registrations Only) .ORG.SO (New Registrations Only) .TW (Auto-Renewal Only) .COM.TW (Auto-Renewal Only) .IDV.TW (Auto-Renewal Only) .ORG.TW (Auto-Renewal Only)
Translated versions of legal agreements and policies are provided solely as a convenience to facilitate reading and understanding the English versions. The goal in providing translations of legal agreements and policies is not to create a legally binding agreement and not be a substitute for the legal validity of the English versions. In case of any dispute or conflict, the English versions of legal agreements and policies in any case govern our relationship and will prevail over the terms in any other language.