Explore Microbusiness Data

On this page you can explore several aspects of the more than 20 million microbusinesses Venture Forward captures. Start by examining your county by numbers or view Venture Forward reports and use cases from across the country.

National Microbusiness Activity Data

Enter your county below to look at the community by numbers:
selected county

Associated Metro:
GoDaddy has captured the presence and impact of more than 20 million online microbusinesses in the U.S. Each one helps create jobs, boosts annual household income growth, and supports economic resiliency.

Current Active Microbusinesses

Measured as online ventures with predominantly less than 10 employees. For every microbusiness in a community, data shows that the average median household income goes up and unemployment goes down.

Microbusiness Activity Index Score

A composite score created by UCLA economists to track and compare the health of microbusiness communities over time, on a quarterly basis. Learn more about MAI.

Microbusiness Density
Bottom 20%
20% to 40%
40% to 60%
60% to 80%
Top 20%

Measured as microbusinesses per 100 people,

shaded by zip code percentile as of Q1 2023.

What's the Health of Microbusinesses?

Developed in partnership with UCLA Anderson Forecast economists to measure and compare microbusiness activity across communities, over time.
86.3 National Low
National Average
122.4 National High

YourMicrobusinessActivity Index

0 Composite Score
0 132
86.3 National Low
National Average
122.4 National High
*US National High is 142.1
0 142.1*

Subindex Infrastructure

Does this community have the physical and intellectual infrastructure needed to access and use the internet?
Proportion of residents with broadband subscriptions, home computers, and varying education attainment.
*US National High is 109.3
0 109.3*

Subindex Participation

What is the number of GoDaddy online microbusinesses created and run by residents in the area?
Volume and monthly change or growth rate in the number of GoDaddy customers and microbusinesses per capita.

Composite Activity Index Score Comparison

Developed in partnership with UCLA Anderson Forecast economists to measure and compare microbusiness prevalence and activity across communities, over time. The Microbusiness Activity Index is a composite index comprised of three subindices that correlate with healthy microbusiness activity and growth: Infrastructure, Participation and Engagement.

My Score

U.S. National Average for Counties

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Can Venture Forward data support decision making in your community? We’re here to help.