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A simple WHOIS search tells you so much

Check a domain name's availability
If you want to know the availability of a domain name, simply type the name into GoDaddy's WHOIS search field and we'll let you know if the domain is available, or not.

Find a domain owner
Whether you want to buy a domain or learn who owns it, use our WHOIS search field. Enter the domain name and you'll get key info, including availability, ownership, creation, and expiration.

Learn when a domain will expire
If you want to buy a domain, knowing when it expires is helpful. As the date approaches the owner may want to sell, or better yet, let it expire — and you're right there to scoop it up.
What is the WHOIS database?
The WHOIS database is a searchable list of every single domain currently registered in the world. It serves as a central directory for querying domain name registration details, including the registrant's contact information, administrative and technical contacts, registration and expiration dates, and the domain's name servers.
WHOIS data is primarily utilized for administrative and legal purposes. Some common uses included:
- Domain Registration Verification: Individuals and organizations can use WHOIS to verify the registration details of a domain name to ensure its legitimacy and ownership.
- Contacting Domain Owners: Businesses, law enforcement agencies, and individuals may need to contact domain owners for various reasons, such as resolving trademark disputes, reporting abuse, or negotiating the purchase of a domain.
- Investigations and Legal Proceedings: Law enforcement agencies, lawyers, and investigators may use WHOIS data to gather evidence for legal proceedings, including cases of cybercrime, fraud, or intellectual property infringement.
- Network Troubleshooting: IT professionals and network administrators often use WHOIS to troubleshoot technical issues related to domain names, such as identifying the responsible party for domain name server (DNS) configuration problems.
- Research and Analysis: Researchers and analysts may use WHOIS data for studying domain registration trends, mapping networks, or conducting market research.
The WHOIS database is maintained by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). According to ICANN's policies, anyone who registers a domain has to provide their contact information, which includes their name, address, phone number, and email address. This information is then made publicly available through the WHOIS database. However, it's worth noting that with the implementation of privacy protection services offered by domain registrars, WHOIS data may not always provide comprehensive information, as some registrants choose to mask their personal details to prevent spam or identity theft.
Related: See what information is shown in the WHOIS directory.
How do I use the WHOIS Lookup Tool?
How accurate is WHOIS data?
ICANN provides guidelines designed to keep the WHOIS database as accurate as possible. Since registrants’ contact data can change, registrars such as GoDaddy must provide annual opportunities for domain owners to review and edit their WHOIS domain data. According to ICANN’s rules, refusing to update this information or providing false data can lead to the suspension or cancellation of domains.
In addition, ICANN allows internet users to file complaints if they discover WHOIS domain name lookup data that is incorrect or incomplete. In such instances, registrars must correct and verify the data in a timely manner. Through this verification protocol, ICANN seeks to maintain the highest possible level of accuracy.
How do I update my WHOIS information?
How can I protect my privacy in the WHOIS database?
GoDaddy, like many registrars, provides free domain privacy with every domain – which means when you buy a domain with GoDaddy, we automatically redact your private information from the public at no charge to you. However, you can protect your privacy and your domain further by upgrading to one of our paid Domain Protection Plans. These plans help defend your domain against domain hijackers and other bad actors by:
- Notifying you when critical changes are being made to your domain name.
- Stopping unauthorized domain transfers through identity verification.
- Allowing you up to 90 days to renew your domain if it accidentally expires.
- Waiving any fees to recover your domain if it unexpectedly.
Who’s in charge of the WHOIS database?
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is in charge of all things related to a WHOIS lookup. The organization launched in 1998 because the internet had grown to a point where a formal organization was necessary to handle all the maintenance and procedures involved with keeping the world online.
As of 2016, ICANN operates the WHOIS check free of oversight by any country and today exists as nonprofit corporation based in Los Angeles. ICANN is managed by a 16-member board with representation from all over the world. ICANN also receives input from numerous internet-related organizations, such as communications providers.
Why is it necessary to have a WHOIS database?
The ability to find domain info quickly and accurately is important for a couple main reasons:
- A WHOIS check is essential for people in the business of buying and selling domains. These individuals (called “domainers”) need a method of communication for their transactions. A WHOIS search will provide one or more methods for reaching the current owner of a web address.
- The WHOIS database is a way to maintain accountability for people who operate online. For example, if you felt someone was using your trademarks on their website, the WHOIS database provides a number of ways to resolve that dispute.