Situs Web + Pemasaran Bantuan

Tambahkan kartu hadiah digital

Set up and embed a gift card link on your website to allow your site visitors to purchase digital gift cards. Gift cards can boost sales, engage existing customers or bring in new customers. It’s free to set up and sell gift cards online but you will pay a credit card payment processing fee.

Required: Before you begin, set up your Gift Up! account, a Square account or another payment processor.
  1. Buka halaman produk GoDaddy .
  2. Gulir ke bawah, luaskan Websites + Marketing , lalu pilih Kelola di samping situs web Anda.
  3. Pilih Edit Situs Web atau Edit Situs untuk membuka pembuat situs web Anda.
  4. Go to the page and place where you want to add the option to buy a gift card and add a section, using the Commerce section type, and selecting Gift Card, and then Add.
  5. Select Gift Card Settings.
    Select Gift Card Settings in the menu
  6. Di tab atau jendela terpisah, buka akun Gift Up! atau akun Square Anda dan masuk.
  7. Kembali ke situs Websites + Marketing, tempelkan URL yang Anda salin ke bidang URL Kartu Hadiah.
  8. Edit pengaturan bagian lainnya, dan jangan lupa publikasikan situs Anda agar perubahan terlihat.

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