Troubleshooting the WooCommerce Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Export extension
The purpose of this section is to help you troubleshoot some WooCommerce Customer, Order, and Customer CSV Export issues.
Incompatible Plugins
Data from other plugins won't typically show up in the exports. These are some of the other plugin incompatibilities:
- Product Add-Ons: The plugin does not display add-on data separately when exporting line item meta.
- WooCommerce Bookings: As if version 1.10.0+, booking data is no longer included in order and item data, so bookings aren't exported automatically.
Queued / Freezing Exports
If your exports queue up without completing, it is possible that your site is blocking HTTP requests. Your site must make requests to itself in order to process exports in the background, so exports will not begin processing if your site blocks HTTP requests.
Blocking requests can be caused by a variety of factors you can learn more about in the extension's documentation.
Back to topOther issues
If you're experiencing a different issue or have other questions, try browsing our common questions for this extension.
Depending on the issue, you can also try viewing error logs to help determine the problem.
- Sign in to WordPress.
- Go to WooCommerce and select Status.
- Select the Logs tab above.
- Use the dropdown and select the View button on the right to browse through recent errors.
If issues persist and you're unable to identify the problem, please contact our support team at your earliest convenience to troubleshoot further.
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