Using the Free Temporary Domain Validation (DV) SSL
Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates have an extensive vetting process, but a Domain Validation (DV) SSL certificate can be vetted and issued quickly. Use the free DV certificate to secure your site while you wait for your EV certificate request to be vetted.
To Use the Free Temporary DV certificate
- Request your EV certificate. See Set up and install my SSL certificate.
- Return to your account and request the DV certificate. See Set up and install my SSL certificate.
- Check your email. The authorization request is sent to the administrative contact for the domain name. Follow the instructions to verify your DV certificate.
- When your DV certificate has been vetted and issued, install it on your website:
- If you selected Web Hosting, Grid Hosting, Website Builder, Quick Shopping Cart or Dream Web Site when you requested your renewal, we automatically install your certificate.
- If you selected Third Party or Dedicated Server or Virtual Private Server (VPS) without Simple Control Panel, check your email from us for further information about installing the renewed certificate on your server. You must download and install both certificate files. See
for installation instructions.
- When your EV certificate is vetted and issued, install it to overwrite the DV certificate. You do not need to uninstall or cancel the DV certificate.
When you install the EV certificate, the free DV certificate automatically deletes from your account. If the EV certificate is not issued by the end of the initial certificate's term, the DV certificate will automatically renew.
Note: Canceling your EV certificate application also cancels the free DV certificate.