Cancel and refund an order with my online store
Occasionally, you may need to cancel orders and refund the purchase price to your customers. GoDaddy Payments automates this process, but if you're using a different payment processor, you can also manually perform this from your dashboard.
- Go to your GoDaddy product page.
- Scroll down, expand Websites + Marketing and select Manage next to your site.
- On your dashboard, expand Commerce, and then select Orders.
- Click anywhere on the unfulfilled order you want to cancel to open the order and view the details.
- On the top status bar of the order page, select
Menu Options.
- From the dropdown menu, select Cancel Order.
- Select Refund now and theb select the refunded amount up to the total available, or Skip refund if you want to process the refund later.
- (Optional) A refund email notification will be sent to the customer by default. If you want to prevent this automated email from being sent, uncheck the box.
- Select Cancel & Refund Order.
- When asked if you want to cancel this order, select Yes. Your customer will automatically receive a cancellation email.
- Coordinate the refund with your customer through your chosen payment processor.
- At the bottom of the order summary, select Mark Refunded.
Note: Your customer won't automatically be notified of this action.