Add an email signature in Outlook
Add an email signature that'll display when sending messages with Outlook. Set up your signature to automatically add a new message or replies and forwards. When you include information like your phone numbers and website in your signature, your recipients will know more about who's contacting them.
If you need help generating a professional signature, create an email signature in the Email & Office Dashboard.
Seleziona la scheda appropriata in base alla piattaforma email che stai utilizzando.
- Accedi a Outlook sul web. Usa il tuo indirizzo email Microsoft 365 e la password (il tuo username e la tua password GoDaddy qui non funzionano).
- Nell'angolo in alto a destra, seleziona
Impostazioni .
- Select Account, and then Signatures.
- Under Email signature, enter a signature name and the signature details.
- (Optional) To create another signature, select + New Signature. After it's created, it'll display in a list of saved signatures. Or, to edit an existing signature, select the signature from the list, and edit the details in the textbox.
- Under Select default signatures, select your default signature(s) for New Messages and Replies/Forwards.
- Seleziona Salva.
Your signature is now available to use.
Ora ci sono 2 versioni di Outlook per Windows: il nuovo Outlook e Outlook classico. Prima di continuare con i passaggi seguenti, verifica quale versione stai utilizzando .
Nuovo Outlook
Se i passaggi in questa sezione non funzionano, è possibile che tu non stia ancora utilizzando il nuovo Outlook. Prova invece i passaggi nella sezione Outlook classico .
Dopo l'attivazione, puoi aggiungere ulteriori piani email, come Email Essentials, Email Plus o Online Business Essentials.
- Apri Outlook.
- Seleziona Nuovo messaggio .
- Select Insert.
- Select Signature.
- Select a signature from the menu. Or, to edit or create a new signature, select Signatures.
- If you're editing a signature: Choose the applicable e-mail account, select the signature from the list, and then edit the details under Edit signature. Select Save.
- If you're creating a signature: Choose the applicable e-mail account, select + New signature, enter a name for the signature, and then add the details of your signature. If you want your new signature applied to new messages or replies/forwards, select the new signature under Select default signatures, and then select Save.
You're now ready to use signatures.
Outlook classico
Se i passaggi descritti in questa sezione non funzionano, potresti non utilizzare la versione classica di Outlook. Prova invece i passaggi nella sezione Nuovo Outlook .
- Apri Outlook.
- Seleziona Nuova email .
- Select Insert.
- Select
- Select a signature from the menu. Or, to edit or create a new signature, select Signatures.
- If you're editing a signature: Choose the applicable e-mail account, select the signature from the list, and then edit the details under Edit signature. Select OK.
- If you're creating a signature: Choose the applicable e-mail account, select + New signature, enter a name for the signature, and then add the details of your signature. If you want your new signature applied to new messages or replies/forwards, select the new signature under Select default signatures, and then select OK.
Your signature is now available to use.
- Apri Outlook.
- Select Preferences or Settings.
- Under Email, select Signatures.
- To add a new signature, select + (plus).
- Enter a Signature Name, and then teh details of your signature.
- Select
Save. To return to the Signatures, close your signature.
- Under Choose default signature, use the lists to select the signature that'll automatically appear on New messages and/or Replies/forwards. To remove signatures from automatically appearing, select None.
- Chiudi la finestra. La tua firma apparirà ora sui tuoi messaggi.
If you want to only add your signature to certain emails, you can select if from the message composing options.
Passaggi correlati
- Scopri come passare al nuovo Outlook per Windows da Microsoft.
- Per accedere a Outlook sul Web, accedi al tuo account Microsoft 365 .