Merge Products and Variations with the Product CSV Import Suite
Learn how to merge changes to your current products and variations with an updated CSV.
- Sign in to WordPress.
- Create a CSV, or alter an existing CSV. To make sure changes are mapped to the correct location, include one of the following columns: post_id and/or sku
- Navigate to WooCommerce > CSV Import Suite and click Merge Products or Merge Variations.
- Choose your CSV from your computer or enter a path to the file.
- Adjust the delimiter or leave as-is (optional).
- Merge empty cells. If this is not selected, then empty cells will be ignored when importing things such as attributes (optional).
- Click Upload file and import.
- Map the fields for your products and/or variations.
- Click Submit to merge your products and/or variations.
• Merging new data into already existing product data will
overwrite the older data. To keep any existing data, the
data will need to be in the document to be merged,
as shown in this WooCommerce example.
• Merging downloadable products doesn't automatically grant access for
customers who have previously purchased those products.
Related Steps
- Import products into WooCommerce with the Product CSV Import Suite
- Import Product Variations with the Product CSV Import Suite Extension
- Export WooCommerce products
- Export WooCommerce product variations