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Dive in: Chase Paymentech

Accept payments from major credit cards on your WooCommerce website with Chase Paymentech. This integration uses a Chase hosted page page via iframe for maximum security - payments are routed directly through Chase's secure servers rather than your own.

Required: WooCommerce Chase Paymentech is a premium WooCommerce extension included with Managed WordPress Ecommerce, Managed WooCommerce Stores or as a standalone purchase.

Getting started


Setup and configuration


  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Go to WooCommerce and click on Extensions.
  3. From the GoDaddy Included Extensions list, scroll to Chase Paymentech Gateway and click on Install.

After installing, there will be a Chase Paymentech option you can manage in your WooCommerce payment settings.

Add credentials to WooCommerce settings

To set up the extension, you'll first need your Secure Account ID and Secure API Token provided by Chase after you've become certified.

Note: These are the only credentials required to use this extension.
  1. From left side menu, go to WooCommerce and click on Settings.
  2. Select the Payments tab, then locate and click on the Chase Paymentech option.
  3. (Optional) Select Enable this gateway to make it active on your site upon saving.
  4. Enter the Secure Account ID and Secure API Token you received from Chase.
  5. Click on Save changes.

Other Chase Paymentech credentials

The User Name, Password, Merchant ID and Terminal ID are optional and are only required if you would like to:

  • Perform admin charge captures within WooCommerce.
  • Use tokenization to allow customers to save payment information for a faster experience.

Your Merchant ID and Terminal ID can be found at the top of the screen as soon as you sign into your Chase Virtual Terminal. The User Name and Password for API authentication will be provided by Chase. If you need this information for one of the above use cases, contact your Chase representative or email

Chase Virtual Terminal configuration

Now you'll sign in to your Chase Virtual Terminal to configure your Chase account.

Go to Admin and click on Hosted Pay Page Admin. At the bottom of the page, configure the following:

  1. Set Hosted Solution to Hosted Payment Form
  2. Enter the following URL values, replacing EXAMPLE.COM with your sites domain name:
  3. Under Authorized Websites, enter your websites domain name.
  4. Set Orbital Hosted Payment Specification to Version 1.1
  5. Click Continue to save.

After saving, you may now start accepting credit cards on your site using Chase Paymentech!

  • For more information, check out the full plugin documentation for a full breakdown of the settings and configurations available, as well as some common questions and troubleshooting.

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