GoDaddy Help

About export transfer methods

The WooCommerce Customer/Order/Coupon Export extension provides a variety of methods you can use to transfer automated exports.

Required: WooCommerce Customer/Order/Coupon Export is a premium WooCommerce extension included with Managed WordPress Ecommerce, Managed WooCommerce Stores or as a standalone purchase.


The Export List allows you to access exports that have been transferred locally for 14 days after they have been transferred. There is no special setup required for this method of transfer.


You will need to update the following settings in order to transfer via FTP:

  • Server address: IP address or hostname of the FTP server.
  • FTP Username
  • FTP Password
  • Port:
    • FTP: 21
    • SFTP: 22
    • FTP with implicit SSL: 990
  • Initial path: Full path to the folder relative to the user. Do not use leading or a trailing slashes in the path.
  • Security: FTP server security options.
  • Passive mode: Turns on passive mode for FTP and should only be enabled if you're experiencing issues connecting.


Enter the HTTP POST URL, where export files are sent for HTTP POST transfers.


Configure the following settings to transfer via email:

  • Recipient(s): List the email address(es) the export will be sent to. A blank field will default to sending the export to the site admin's email address.
  • Email subject: Enter a preferred subject for the export email that can be easily identified.
Note: You'll be prompted to choose an automated export when you export data from the Orders or Users pages. To send the exported data, the plugin will use the export's transfer method settings.

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