Faisal Sheraiff strives to inspire entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia and the MENA.

3 min read
Nada ElSharkawy

Work at a company and practice what you have learned at university, and then launch your own company with savings from your work and use the experience you have gained during your time working so you become an entrepreneur. Does that sound like something you’ve heard before? We’ve all heard those phrases at some point.  Some may call this “safe” entrepreneurial strategy. It works for some people, and it may not for others.

In this article, we discover Faisal Sheraiff’'’s journey to be an entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia. He is — the founder of Mode Studios — and shared his experience which led him to start his own business, and at which point he realized it was time to become independent.

More than an influencer

Faisal Sheraiff, isn’t just an influencer who shares his entrepreneurial journey through his social accounts. He is an entrepreneur, father, and a devoted family man.

Faisal started his career in a reputable advertising agency after graduating with a marketing degree. After a couple of years, Faisal realized that his Instagram account had plenty of followers @faisalsheraiff.

Naturally, Faisal capitalized on his strength as an Instagram influencer. He started sharing advice, day to day life updates and quality content with his followers.

entrepreneur, founder and CEO, influencer, traveler, and lifestyle blogger, Faisal Sheraiff

With an initial interest in youth, self-development, and a spice of social entrepreneurship I started my journey on social media.

Soon after brands started to reach out to him to collaborate and he became a fashionista, traveler – visited 41 countries so far – and a lifestyle blogger.

Faisal’s journey to succeed as an entrepreneur in Saudi Arabia

Combining his experience at a big marketing agency and being an Instagram influencer, Faisal realized that he could do so much better on his own which led him to start his own advertising agency, which was his next step as an entrepreneur.

entrepreneur Faisal Sheraiff working behind a desk at his company modestudio

He started Mode Studio. Mode is a visual communications studio that focuses on creating visual content, bringing brands to life, and assuring you always look good on social media.

This is done by providing local entrepreneurs with affordable solutions to their creative needs. In no time, his agency recruited over 500 clients and 20 employees working at 2 different offices in Saudi.

Aspiring entrepreneur and influencer

Faisal believes that the word “online” expresses our lives in an unprecedented manner. We look up everything online, football matches results, nearby doctors, open restaurants, flight ticket prices, and much more.

This comes as an opportunity and a threat for everyone online, if you are an entrepreneur with a small business, then being online is an opportunity for you to show the world what you are made of.

It also acts as a threat, too. Everyone has access to the internet and misinformation is widely spread across the internet. Therefore, you should have an official website for yourself to try and control what goes online about you.

Personalizing his presence online

As the founder and the CEO of his company, influencer, traveler, lifestyle blogger, and most importantly, a father, Faisal realized that he needed his own website for his online presence. His website helps him share his passions, skills, topics that interest him, his products and services.

entrepreneur Faisal Sheraiff building his personal website using GoDaddy

Without experience in building websites his research led him to GoDaddy. Faisal used GoDaddy Domain,  and the Arabic website builder from GoDaddy because it saved him time and effort as it did not require any technical background.

Would you like to read more useful lessons from entrepreneurs in the MENA? Check more success stories in our blog.