GoDaddy 帮助

重新获得域名或 GoDaddy 账户的访问权限

Submit a request to regain access to your domain or your account if:

  • You lost access to the email address listed in your account.
  • You are listed as the domain registrant, but do not have access to the account with the domain.
Note:If you have access to the email address associated with your account but can't sign in, try resetting your password.

Note: If you are requesting a change of contact information on a domain name, the Account Recovery Team is unable to assist. Please contact our 24/7 Customer Care Team for assistance.
  1. Go to
  2. 选择 Email Access(电子邮件访问)、Domain Access(域名访问)或 2-Step Verification Access(两步验证访问)。
    • Email Access – Please use a working email address, where you can receive and reply to emails, do not use the same email that is already listed on the account to which you no longer have access.
    • Domain Access - This process is used to move domain names into your control. Please list all the domains you want access to on the request form. Only the domain name(s) listed on the request form will be moved into another account that you control. No other products will move
    • 2-Step Verification Access – This process is used if you have lost access to the phone number, authenticator app or hardware security key that you used to set up 2 Step Verification for your GoDaddy account.
  3. 在您的账户中输入一个或多个域名,然后选择 Next(下一步)。
    • 如果您没有任何域名,请关闭 Identify account by domain(s)(按域名识别账户)开关。输入 Customer Number(客户编号)和 Login Name(登录名)以继续。
  4. 输入您的 First Name(名字)、Last Name(姓氏)、Email Address(电子邮件地址)和 Phone Number(电话号码),然后选择 Next(下一步)。
    • 如果您请求访问某个域名,请输入与您的域名关联的电子邮件地址不同的电子邮件地址。
  5. Upload a color image of your government-issued photo identification. If you're not the account holder or domain registrant, upload identification for both the account holder or registrant and yourself. When the upload is done, select Next.
    • Make sure the following information is clearly identifiable: Person Pictured, Name, Date of Birth, Issue Date, Expiration Date We need to see all 4 corners of this document including the signature page.
    • 等一下...为何需要我提供 ID?我们需要您提供 ID 来确保您是账户所有者,以此防止有人企图盗取您的账户。请放心,您发送的信息享有安全保障,除了用于验证您的账户所有权之外,我们不会将其用于其他目的。有关更多信息,请参阅我们的服务条款
  6. 在下拉列表中,选择 Yes(是)或 No(否)以验证公司是否被列为账户持有人,然后选择 Next(下一步)。
    • 如果您选择 Yes(是),请输入 Company Name(公司名称)并上传政府颁发的公司执照文件。
  7. (可选)选择 Yes(是)或 No(否)以验证您是否还想取消账户的两步验证,然后输入任何其他信息。
  8. 选择下一步
  9. 在协议旁边,选择复选框,然后完成安全验证。
  10. 选择 Submit(提交)。我们会直接就您的请求与您联系(按照收到请求的顺序)。

Note: This process may be experiencing a large volume of requests. We're working diligently to respond as quickly as possible.
