Set up WooCommerce Using the Onboarding Wizard
Getting started with a WooCommerce shop can be daunting. The onboarding wizard for shops on the Managed WordPress Ecommerce plan will walk you through setting up the basics of your shop to start selling quickly.
In this series, we show you how to set up and change each setting that you'll encounter in the onboarding wizard. Kindly note that in some steps, you may need to do some further research before continuing.

Store Name and Address
Add more details for your shop, including its name and address, that will be used from the onboarding wizard to optimize your experience.
Selling Locations
Configure the location that you're planning to sell and distribute your products.
Setting Up Shipping Methods
Add the countries that you're planning to ship your products.
Configuring Global Settings
Change some store-wide settings focused on the currency and measurement units for your shop.
Setting Up Payments
Set up the payment method for your shop to start selling as soon as possible.
Enabling Taxes
Decide if you'd like to enable taxes for your products.
Finishing Touches
You're ready to go! Finishing touches, and next steps on how you can continue working on your shop.