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Remove a Linux user

You can remove old users from your Linux server. This will revoke the user's SSH access, and remove that user's file and directory ownership.

Note: This procedure should work for all Linux distribution types - Ubuntu, CentOS, and so on.

  1. Log in to your server via SSH.
  2. Switch to the root user:
    sudo su -
  3. Use the userdel command to remove the old user:
    userdel user's username
  4. Optional: You can also delete that user's home directory and mail spool by using the -r flag with the command:
    userdel -r user's username
    Warning: Only delete a user's home directory if you are certain you no longer need their files or mail.

Next step

  • For more detailed information about the userdel command, view the man page by typing man userdel into your SSH window.

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