.dev Domain Names
Available now! Starting at
₹ 2,086.09* ₹ 1,390.43*/1st yr

The domain of tech professionals.
What’s the deal with dot dev?
Dot dev uses an abbreviation for the English term “development,” which refers to the process of creating software applications. The English mathematician Alan Turing is usually credited with coming up with the theory of software development back in 1935, although the first software programs didn’t show up until the late 1940s. Those used binary code — instead of the programming languages we see today — which was built into mainframe computers. By the 1960s, programming languages such as Fortran, COBOL and BASIC began to appear.
Today, .dev domains are more relevant than ever, as computing touches nearly every aspect of our lives. Everyday conveniences, such as refrigerators and even doorbells, gain enhanced functionality. We call this ever-expanding network the Internet of Things (IoT). Artificial intelligence, too, has grown from the stuff of science fiction to a very real tool that’s been adopted by nearly every industry imaginable. All this has created a huge demand for development of the next great idea — and the need for a domain like .dev to help separate the serious, skilled coders from the posers.
Let them know you’re a dev.
For a long time, dot dev was used specifically to create spaces for web developers to work their magic. They needed a way to keep the technology they tested in a completely separate online environment — and .dev worked like a charm. But today, .dev domains are a great fit for anyone who trades on technology. Businesses and individuals can use it to show expertise in:
- Web development
- Web design
- Software engineering
- Game development
- Mobile applications
- IT security
Because shorter and sweeter is better
.dev goes beyond code.
Even if you operate outside the tech world, .dev could be a good fit. Say you’re a construction developer known for big projects. Or you’re in charge of development for a charity, securing the vital funds that let them operate. There are many specialties within the field of medicine and behavioral science that focus on human growth, and .dev domains would be a perfect fit for someone establishing an online presence for their clinic. In fact, any individual or organization that works on improvement should register .dev in order to lock down a key component of their brand.
Taking it one step further, Dev is also a fairly common first and last name throughout the world, which makes it perfect for creating a personal brand. If you’re named Dev or Devin or anything else using those three letters, .dev domain names are a tailored fit, as it’s a familiar handle from Boston to Bangladesh.
Turns out .dev is pretty useful for lots of non-techy things in industries you might not have expected. That kind of creative thinking is key when you’re looking to secure a domain name. Because there are so many variations and creative uses for a word, it’s important to sit down and let your creativity percolate until inspiration strikes.
Register .dev before someone else does.
The .dev extension is a secure namespace, so you need HTTPS and an SSL certificate for your website to load on most browsers. To use the SSL certificate on your website, you need to activate it on the My Products page.
Your .dev registration includes an optional Standard SSL certificate free for the first year of use once activated. The activated SSL will renew at the actual price from the second year onwards. You can view the renewal price in your shopping cart prior to purchase and remove it. You can also cancel the SSL at a later point of time.