Spread the word about your product, service or cause!
A .info domain showcases where information lives. It can be about your product, services, research, cause, event or whatever. The .info domain is globally recognized as a trusted destination for information — the right answer from one source in one search — and the engaging way to go if you have info to share.
.info domain goes beyond info.
While millions around the world use .info to distinguish their online content and amplify it in an increasingly confusing and crowded internet, a .info domain can help you stand out and heighten the organic reach of your website. Just think of how many people use the search term "info."
Why choose .info:
- You want to share information, research or product information worldwide. It's an ideal way to connect with international customers as .info is a truly international domain that brings meaning to your web address regardless of the languages or locations of your audience.
- You want to build your website, business, or brand — you want to build a great company. There are currently over four million .info domains registered, many by some of the world's most trusted brands. They've chosen .info to help people engage with and trust them for good reason.
- You want to establish that perfect short, memorable domain name that stands out and magnifies your idea, brand and message. Research among internet users reflects that .info is educational, trustworthy, professional and legitimate. Plus, .info is memorable.
- The .COM you want has been registered by someone else, but the .info version hasn't.
- Your business has registered a .COM and would like to protect its brand from cyber-squatters by registering the corresponding .info.
- You'd like to share wedding plans, details on the annual family reunion, how-to tips or any other info online.
With hundreds of new domain extensions coming to the web, finding an address that can give your information a home is simple. A .info domain can be registered by anyone. Use .info to inform your unique place online.
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