Holi: Time to celebrate new beginnings [Infographic]

2 min read
Sheila Dowd

Spring is right around the corner, which in many parts of the world is synonymous with celebrating Holi, the Indian Festival of Colours. This ancient Hindu tradition celebrates spring love and new beginnings of all types — think thousands of revelers tossing coloured powders at each other while they dance and eat with family, friends and strangers alike. Now THAT’s how you kick off a new venture! Clearly, we all can take a page from the Holi book of celebration!

But Holi isn’t just a good time; it means big business for small businesses everywhere. Check out these impressive Holi stats:

  • The Holi colours and accessories industry is expected to grow 20 percent this year.
  • Many Indian companies garner 20 percent to 35 percent of their annual revenue during the festival season.

Add some colour to your business online

The festival kicks off the perfect opportunity for you to improve your online business presence or to start fresh. How? Celebrate Holi by creating a colourful shopping experience for customers on your website. Choose your colours and brighten your online business shopping experience.

You can launch a new product or offer an exciting discount, and then spread the word via your social media networks. Whatever creative way you choose to brighten your customers’ day is sure also to help you boost your success online.

Check out the full Holi infographic: 

Holi Colour Your Website With Success