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Edit gift certificates

Use the gift certificate edit screen to edit your existing gift certificates and regenerate the gift certificate PDF. You can also edit General Details including the gift certificate's date, expiration date, and its status, Purchaser Details, and Recipient Details.

Note: You can only edit gift certificate templates, associated products, or values, if the gift certificate was created manually. Also, the editing of the gift certificate template, product, or value is not possible if there are any redemptions or voids added to the gift certificate.
  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Go to WooCommerce and select Gift Certificates.
  3. Make sure you're on the Gift Certificates tab at the top of the screen.
  4. Select a gift certificate from the list by clicking on the gift certificate number or the Edit link.
  5. Make your desired edits.
  6. Regenerate the gift certificate by selecting Generate PDF from the dropdown in the Gift Certificate Actions section on the right-side of the screen.
  7. Select Save Gift Certificate.

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