If you’re interested in learning how to make money with domains, an essential resource is NamePros.com. NamePros, an established hub for domain name news, is the biggest domain name investor forum on the planet, and they just recently surpassed 1 million discussions on their site. It’s a great place to bounce ideas, ask questions, and discuss options with those who understand domain investing.
Domain name news with NamePros

When learning something new, you’re bound to make mistakes. And if you’re spending money on an investment, the last thing you want to do is make mistake that could have been avoided. The best way to limit this experiences is simple — you just ask questions.
NamePros provides a space for questions and discussions so you can stay in the know.
When it comes to domain investing, learning the retail value of a good domain, as well as what would make a good investment, is highly important. Recently, I sat down with NamePros Managing Director Edward Zeiden at an industry conference, NamesCon, to talk about domains, what the market is doing, where it’s heading, and how to value a domain name.
In this interview, we discuss:
- Learning from like-minded individuals though places like NamePros and Domaining.com, a location for aggregated blogs pertaining to the domain industry.
- Investing wisely by allowing for mistakes and giving yourself the opportunity to learn.
- Where the domains industry is going, the global potential and the market of potential internet users.
- The next big thing (hint: “the internet of things”).
- Generic top-level domains, SEO and how names are ranking.
- The valuation of domain names and investing smartly based off naming conventions and business possibilities.
- The usefulness of NamePros — instant and direct feedback from customers, worldwide perspectives and new insights.
If you want to learn how to make money through smart investing, keep an eye on domain name news, and monitor what changes are happening in the industry, make sure you take advantage of NamePros.com, Domaining.com and other important resources like the GoDaddy blog and our aftermarket YouTube channel.
Remember: Start small with a healthy dose of research and questions so you can learn the right way to invest in domain names. Then, go out there and give it a try.