5 tips for adding an eCommerce shop to your brick-and-mortar business

7 min read
Derek Miller

It's an understatement to say that the last few years have been a challenge for small businesses. From fires and floods to a global pandemic, they've had to adapt to rapid changes one after another. But this period has also brought great opportunities, including a rapid adoption of online commerce. There's simply never been a better time to add an eCommerce shop to your brick and mortar store.

If you’re not sure where to start, this guide will help you get started.

Related: 7 eCommerce security tips from the experts

5 tips for adding an eCommerce shop to your business

If you want to add an eCommerce option to your brick-and-mortar business, consider the following tips.

  1. Determine what you’re going to sell.
  2. Find an eCommerce platform and domain.
  3. Make inventory management a focal point.
  4. Get the most out of your chain suppliers.
  5. Market your business online.

Let’s go.

1. Determine what you’re going to sell

Before you can sell online, determine exactly what products you plan to sell. If you already have an inventory of goods, you can use historical sales data to determine which in-store products you also want to offer online.

Think about which products perform best at your store and make sure you highlight those products front and center on your online store.

More often than not, items that do best in-store will also perform well online.

Another consideration when choosing products to offer online is whether you have a targeted product or service that fills current needs. If not, perhaps there is a product or service that you could quickly spin up and into production.

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2. Find an eCommerce platform and domain

Once you’ve registered a domain name that’s tied to your brand, it’s time to pick a platform. Various eCommerce platforms make it easy for businesses to:

  • Upload product photos
  • Customize the customer experience
  • Process orders and accept payment
  • Manage other areas that directly relate to selling online

With that in mind, there are two basic ways to approach launching an eCommerce store.

Developing it yourselfPerson building a website on their laptop

Much like any website, you have the option to build it from the ground up. If you’re a web developer or you have a team that can build an eCommerce store from scratch, this might be a great option. Creating your custom eCommerce store gives your business more flexibility and can save you from paying a monthly fee to use another service or software.

Purchase an all-in-one eCommerce solution

The majority of small business owners don’t have the resources or wherewithal to build an eCommerce shop from scratch.

For many, using pre-built eCommerce platforms or online marketplaces is their best bet.

These types of eCommerce options provide all-in-one solutions for businesses that want to sell products online. For example, GoDaddy’s Online Store builder is simple to set up and includes powerful selling tools and flexible shipping and payment options. It also integrates with online marketplaces like eBay.

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3. Make inventory management a focal point

Any business owner who sells goods understands the concept of inventory management. Every product transaction is collected, remaining inventory for that item is reconciled until the availability threshold hits a minimum, and a new order is placed for that product.

Businesses that practice good inventory management can increase their product turnover, meaning their products are not sitting on shelves for a long period.

When integrating eCommerce into your business, it’s important to practice good inventory management.

If you’ve never sold your products online before, it might be hard for you to gauge demand. Add products to your eCommerce store slowly so that you can get a good idea of online demand. Also, don’t be afraid to say “no,” and tell users when items are out of stock. (Note that GoDaddy's Online Store does this for you.)

You don’t need to sell every product from your brick-and-mortar in your eCommerce shop. Start by listing only your most popular products online.

If you don’t take the precaution of carefully choosing which products to offer online, you could run into a bottleneck if you have more orders than available inventory, and delivery delays could lead to a poor customer experience.

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4. Get the most out of your supply chain partners

Inventory management has as much to do with your supply chain partners as it does with your data and order management skills.

Most brick-and-mortar businesses have a pretty basic supply chain, the flow of goods from raw material and production to distribution. It usually looks like this:

  1. Producer — The partner tasked with taking raw material and creating the goods.
  2. Distributor — The partner who transports the goods to your business.
  3. Retailer — Your brick-and-mortar store.
  4. Customer — The partner who purchases and uses the good.

Integrating eCommerce will require a new supply chain process. Rather than customers physically taking products home from your storefront, they will need to have it delivered to their home through a direct distributor or via a fulfillment partner.

You can get the most out of your supply chain partners by comparing different solutions at each stage of your supply chain.

While it’s important to optimize each channel in the supply chain, it’s also critical you keep a good partner when you find one. The process for switching partners can be tedious, expensive and detrimental, so try to keep turnover to a minimum.

Related: Everything you need to know about dropshipping

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5. Market your business online

Selling online is a lot like selling in a store. The more traffic you create, the more sales you make. When building an eCommerce shop, think about how best to market your products.

A few general tips to marketing an eCommerce store are:

Create unique product content

Content is a critical cog in your online marketing machine. As it relates to eCommerce, it’s important to create unique product descriptions for all of your items. Many businesses that sell online do not take the time to write unique, actionable product descriptions.

You can gain a competitive advantage by writing unique copy and adding high-quality images for all your products.

Use social media wisely

Social media is a great way to get your business in front of a large audience. When marketing on social media, take the time to ensure that you’re striking an appropriate tone.

Being overly sales-focused will be a turn-off.

Also, keep in mind that social media should be a means to driving more visitors to your website, so always think about creating posts that push users to your eCommerce store.

Related: Create a killer social media strategy

Don’t forget email marketing

In the world of consumer sales, an email can be one of the most valuable pieces of information you collect. A creative email marketing campaign can:

  • Generate repeat business
  • Push a lead through your sales funnel
  • Help stay top-of-mind for future needs

Find new ways to collect emails on your website and send actionable, unique emails to your lists.

Related: How to write an email that people will read

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In conclusion

Brick-and-mortar companies that have yet to integrate eCommerce into their business model should strongly consider adding an online store. It’s a great way to increase sales, as eCommerce stores never close. For businesses that are considering eCommerce integration, the tips above will help you get off the ground.

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