Account Management Help

Request a refund exception

If you're reading this, a GoDaddy Guide is helping you with a refund request for a product that has fallen outside our Refund Policy. Complete the Refund Request form and submit it to our Refund Exceptions team for consideration.

Required: You must sign in to your GoDaddy account before you fill out the Refund Request form.

To complete the form, you need the following information:

  • Your customer number. To find this, in the upper right corner of our website select your name. Your customer number appears in the menu.
    customer number
  • The order ID for the product you want refunded. To find this:
    1. Go to your GoDaddy My Profile page. You might be prompted to sign in.
    2. Select Account Settings and then select Order History.
      select order history
    3. In the Order History list, find the order ID for the product you want refunded.
  • The name of the product you'd like refunded
  • The reason for your request

After you submit the form, we'll review your request and email you with our decision within 7 to 10 business days.

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