Managed WooCommerce Stores Help

Set up taxes with CSV import

The CSV import feature makes it easier for you to add multiple taxes or import taxes from another website than to enter them individually.

Follow the procedure below to import a CSV file:

Note: To be able to successfully upload taxes using CSV import, it requires 10 columns to be filled out. Country Code, State Code, Postcodes, Cities, Rate, Tax Name, Priority, Compound, Shipping, and Tax Class. Leave tax class blank for standard rates.
  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Go to WooCommerce and select Settings.
  3. From the Tax tab, select Standard Rates.
  4. Select Import CSV.
  5. Select Choose File to browse your local files and select your .csv file.
  6. Select Upload file and import.

Congrats! Your taxes are now uploaded and you should see them listed on the Standard Rates page.

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