Create an order in the original Register app
Once you’ve set up your GoDaddy smart terminal and added products to your store catalog, create customer orders in the Register app.
These steps cover how to create orders in the original Register app. To determine which version you have, launch the Register app on your GoDaddy smart terminal. If the app header matches the image below, you’re using the updated Register app. Check out our info for creating orders in the updated Register app.

Note: The updated Register app was released in January 2024 for new GoDaddy Payments merchants in the US. Access will expand to all GoDaddy Payments merchants later this year.
- If you haven’t already, create a product catalog for your smart terminal and add products to it.
- From your smart terminal home screen, tap Register.
- Tap an item displayed in the catalog to add it to the order.
- To adjust the most recent item, tap
Edit next to the item. Adjust the item Quantity, Tax, Discounts and Fees, or add a customized Note. Select Confirm.
- To delete the most recent item, tap
Delete next to the item.
- To adjust the most recent item, tap
- Tap More to customize or add other features to the order:
- Tax On/Off: Add or remove the tax from the order.
- Custom item: Add an item with a customized amount.
- Save order: Save and exit the current order. You can process other orders before resuming the saved order. This is useful for running tabs or picking up where you left off with an unfinished order.
- To resume a saved order, from the home screen, tap Orders and select the order from the list in the Open tab.
- Disc: Add a preset or custom discount.
- Fees: Add any extra fees.
- Notes: Add any notes to your order, e.g., extra cheese.
- Open Drawer: Opens your register accessory if applicable.
- Scan Barcode: Scan an item barcode using the smart terminal’s built-in camera.
- Add Name: Add the customer’s name to the order. The name will be included on the receipt. You will also be able to see the name when resuming a saved order.
- Tap Order Details to edit or review the full order.
- This screen displays all items that are included in the order. Customize the order with a Note or Customer name, adjust the individual item quantity and details, and add or remove taxes, discounts or fees at the item or order level.
- Tap Cash or Charge to complete the transaction with the customer's desired form of payment.
More info
- Learn how to view all orders processed with GoDaddy Payments.