Adam Warner joins the GoDaddy Pro team

3 min read
Adam Warner

My name is Adam Warner. I’m a long-time WordPress user, business owner and avid community member. I’m passionate about my family, robots, and of course Life, the Universe and Everything.

I discovered the WordPress software, and the community surrounding it, in 2005. I was looking for an easier way to manage my small business website.

At the time I was working in the web and phone sales department for an audiobook publisher, while running my own photo-to-DVD memorial business.

WordPress made sense to me visually. It was simple to quickly create a new web page, and much faster than writing a new HTML file and uploading it to a web server.

Related: How to build a WordPress website for the first time

As I learned more about WordPress through community resources like forums and the wp-hackers mailing list, it became clear just how powerful this software was for building the web.

I tried my hand at making my own themes and plugins, but ran into two problems:

  1. My themes were ugly. I didn’t even want to use them.
  2. My plugins worked for me, but commonly caused “white screen of death” issues for others.

Realizing that I was neither a developer nor a designer, I found my place in the WordPress community by blogging.

I began writing about what I was learning. I wrote WordPress plugins and theme tutorials, and I covered news about WordPress releases and the community of users.

It didn’t take long for me to start creating WordPress-powered sites for clients, and eventually create a plugin business with a partner.

Related: The WordPress economy needs more entrepreneurs

Whether creating websites, products, or services, the WordPress software and community have been my constant companions since 2005.

I joined the GoDaddy team because of their commitment to the WordPress community.

I’ve been fortunate to attend over 75 WordCamps and other WordPress events over the past few years. In this time, I’ve seen GoDaddy’s focus on the needs of users first-hand.

The team is truly committed to creating solutions that help small business owners -- including web developers and designers -- take their businesses to the next level.

That’s a company I want to be a part of.

Joining GoDaddy means that I will continue to be “all-in” with the WordPress community I love. I will be on the front line facilitating the growth and success of web developers and designers, specifically in regard to GoDaddy Pro.

You can find me on Twitter (@wpmodder) and LinkedIn, as well as on my personal blog.

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