Football player catching a touchdown pass to represent importance of call-to-action on a website.

Call-to-action: The touchdown pass your website deserves

4 min read
Maxym Martineau

I’m a football fanatic. For as long as I can remember, my family has always had season tickets to the Arizona Cardinals. Nothing is more exhilarating than the rush of adrenaline, coupled with feverish fist pumping and ear-splitting cheers, that comes from watching the perfect touchdown pass. While Larry Fitzgerald might have golden hands, the desired TD pass isn’t all on him: he has to synch up with the quarterback, run a problematic route through professional defensemen, and maybe even add a little extra “oomph” to his jump to secure the ball.

The point is, it takes work. Work that you as a small business owner can understand.

You’ve toiled diligently to get your website up and running. You’ve run test routes with your friends and family to see which layout works best for your business. You’re not scared of drills or scrimmages — but now it’s time for game day. When all is said and done, is your website going to result in a touchdown?

The call-to-action: Your game-changer

Whether you’re running a blog or an online store, your web presence is meant to make your readers react. Maybe you’re looking for new followers or trying to tempt shoppers; either way, you have a goal in mind. Our blogger friends over at Mad Mimi know all about the effectiveness of well-crafted calls-to-action. They’re quick to state that a “[CTA] cries out for your reader to do something.” Which, of course, is exactly what you want.

You want to evoke a reaction that leads to a touchdown.

Take a look at these call-to-action examples that go straight for the sale:

  • Get fit today!
  • Give our workout routine a try!
  • Start living a healthier lifestyle with one of our personal trainers.

Or, you can try your hand at a longer call-to-action, which can inspire click-throughs because you’re offering more valuable information.

  • Sign up for our newsletter to learn how you can make healthy changes to your everyday routine.
  • Watch our YouTube video to see how our trainers work with people just like you.

The point is, there are tons of ways to land a touchdown. These examples both inspire and guide your customers, showing them how to react and where to go for the next step.

Be aggressive, B- E- AGGRESSIVE

Cheerleaders exemplify real-life calls-to-action. Their chants are meant to rile up the audience and often inspire action. When they ask for a “T,” we give them a “T.” A good call-to-action does exactly the same thing. Why? Because effective prompts always use active phrases and words.

  • Sign-up today. VIP members receive 40% off their next order.
  • Register with us to get insider info. We’ll notify you whenever a new deal drops!

There is nothing passive about the language in either of these examples. We added a clear sense of value to the CTAs, as well as prompted our visitors to opt-in to an email campaign. Talk about scoring big!

The final play

When it comes to using CTAs, you’re the playmaker. You only want to use effective prompts that get your visitors to take the action you want. Going for a touchdown? You send your best receiver into open ground and throw him an incredible pass. The same goes for every call-to-action.

  • Speak to an expert to learn how you can start saving today.
  • Sign-up now and receive our complimentary welcome kit!
  • Donate today and see how your kindness can make a difference.

Even if your visitors aren’t ready to make a purchase, you’ve captured their interest. You’ve communicated a solution that answers their need, and when they’re ready, they’ll be back. That’s how you get in the game.