Small Business Marketing Expert John Jantsch

Let’s talk small business marketing with John Jantsch [video]

3 min read
Kate Volman

“Content, in many ways, is just the voice of your strategy. … What makes content marketing effective is that you understand the body of work you need to produce over time so that you communicate your strategy.” ~ John Jantsch

If you have a question about small business marketing, John Jantsch is the man to ask. He’s a marketing consultant, speaker and bestselling author of Duct Tape Marketing, Duct Tape Selling, The Commitment Engine and The Referral Engine.

John consults with small- and mid-sized businesses to help them create effective marketing plans for growth. Forbes has named his blog as a favorite for marketing and small business. Fast Company called his podcast — a top 10 marketing show on iTunes — a “must listen.” And Huffington Post calls him one of the top 100 “Must Follow” on Twitter. How cool is that?

Duct Tape Marketing Author John Jantsch, an Expert in Small Business Marketing
A great bit of advice from John Jantsch: “Understand as much about your clients and what they appreciate and what they value as you can.”

I met John more than 10 years ago at a South Palm Beach County Chapter SCORE event. While I don’t necessarily remember specifics about his presentation, I do recall learning lots of great strategies and enjoyed meeting him. And, of course, who could forget the name “Duct Tape Marketing”? In 2013 I ran into him again at HubSpot’s Inbound conference. When I found out he was a speaker, I immediately started Twitter stalking him to make sure I didn’t miss his session and obviously to grab a picture to share on Facebook.

Kate Volman and John Jantsch

John Jantsch talks small business marketing

I was psyched when he agreed to chat with me about small business marketing. Knowing how knowledgeable he is about this topic, it was challenging to decide which questions to ask and which ones wouldn’t make the cut. Since my goal is always to ensure any small business owner watching my interviews learns something useful, I made it a point to include a variety of great issues including:

  • What question small business owners aren’t asking, but should (my personal fave).
  • The one thing you can do today to create your next piece of content.
  • How to generate more leads.
  • Why you aren’t asking for referrals and how to get better at doing it.
  • How to integrate your online and offline marketing strategies to get better results.

I hope you enjoy the interview and most importantly, walk away with something that will help you move your business forward.