Bits and Bytes — Your weekly roundup for September 29

2 min read
Stacey Hartman

Welcome back to our weekly roundup, bringing you byte-sized (*nudge*) recaps of vital happenings on the blog and around social media! This week, we discuss learnings from the Business Show in Los Angeles - an event brimming with curious attendees, innovative concepts and significant business insights. We'll provide you with a closer look at the valuable points to be gleaned from the event and share other highlights from our week. 

Buckle up and get ready for an exciting journey through the remarkable world of business!

GoDaddy Resources

This week, we round up the happenings at the Business Show for 2023, as well as discuss the importance of being kind to yourself as an entrepreneur, and AI tools to help small business owners out.

GoDaddy Social

We continued working our way through learnings from the Business Show, including these quotes from people at the event:

Need some motivation to get started with your business venture? Join Emma as she offers some tips and suggestions to get you fired up:

Thoughts of the week

While I love the end of summertime, one thing I’m not a fan of is the allergies that come along with it. Over the past week, allergies bloomed into full-on hay fever and all the sniffling and sneezing that goes along with it.

Trying to engage your brain to attempt to work through a fog of allergy medications can be pretty discouraging, especially when you’ve gone through three boxes of tissues, you have no voice, and your dog is horrified by your sneezing and coughing episodes.

The face of abject terror.

The worst of it is over and I’m thrilled to be able to breathe through my nose again. 

Setbacks happen, and I particularly appreciated this fun vid from Geoffrey to help me get my brain back into gear… even if I can’t match his killer dance moves. 

Thanks for swinging by and we’ll see you next week.