.cloud Domain

Take your website sky high with a new .cloud domain

4 min read
Erik Wong

Few opportunities are as unique as owning your very own business. And as a competent business owner, you know the importance of establishing a strong web presence. If you deal in the digital, it might be a little difficult to immediately brand your site — especially if you primarily work with something as abstract as cloud storage. Well, you’re in luck. From file repositories and storage services to weather-based plays on words, the new .cloud domain has got you covered.

If you are in the business of providing cloud-based services, the .cloud domain is a “silver bullet.” Everybody will tell you that first impressions are important, and nothing will convey your business’s niche faster and more directly than having a website address ending in .cloud.

Look for your .cloud domain

Your .cloud domain

.cloud Domain Storage
Check out Cloud News Daily to see the top 20 cloud storage providers.

The cloud is a revolutionary and powerful tool that allows you to take the office with you wherever you go. With cloud computing, storing info on “the cloud” means instant access for important files and documents. Because of this, cloud is synonymous with 21st-century convenience. So why wouldn’t you associate yourself with the same seamless, on-demand availability by grabbing a .cloud domain?

Cloud services have taken off over the past few years and are making inroads into a variety of services. Banking, social media, email and productivity applications like Dropbox — even Office 365 is embracing the cloud as the next step toward total online integration.

From housing pictures and documents to operating systems and subnetworks, the cloud is both powerful and flexible. Best of all, cloud services keep your overhead small and your reach large. The cost-benefit analysis of this cutting edge tech means that the affordability of cloud services is matched only by the affordability of a .cloud domain!

What does that mean for you?

For those who already work with cloud-based services, this domain is a shoe-in. If you’re a service provider who frequently works with software — or Software as a Service (Saas) — then a .cloud domain is the perfect representation of your web-based abilities.

Perhaps cloud-based services are just a small sect of your business. You can always secure a .cloud domain and point it to that particular service and showcase your creativity by developing additional marketing materials.

IT uses aside, there might be some of you who could sensibly use a .cloud domain name without even realizing the potential. Let’s get creative for a moment and look at what other kinds of businesses can benefit from this domain:

  • File repositories or secure data distributors. Even if you aren’t using cloud-based technologies per se, if your services are available online and on-demand, you are following a similar market.
  • Cleverly titled businesses that just so happen to be using the word “cloud” in them. Cloud Nine, Cloud Vapor, Cloud Mattresses, and so on.
  • Weather services. Don’t get so caught up in the techy lingo that the most obvious application passes you by.

Regardless of your industry, there’s a way to make a .cloud domain work for your business.

How to catch a cloud

With today’s technology, harnessing the power of cloud computing has never been easier. Staking your claim on the growing industry might seem like a daunting ordeal — the truth is, you are only a few clicks away from owning your very own piece of cloud tech. That’s right, .cloud domain names are already available for sale worldwide!

When you leverage the recognition, power and utility of a .cloud domain, your business is sure to prosper. Go out and find yours today!

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