At GoDaddy, our guiding principle has always been to help customers succeed online. Success can be anything — a site for showcasing family pictures from recent get-togethers, a serious business for shipping products worldwide, a lifestyle blog from a fierce mompreneur, and more. We do what we can to give our customers the best products, support and knowledge so they can launch their ideas. And for our Aftermarket team, that means helping customers with domain investing tips.
GoDaddy’s Aftermarket team offers free support, the largest inventory of domain names for sale, and exposure to end-user buyers if you’re in the game of domain buying and selling. Plus, we also archive our Aftermarket Google Hangouts on YouTube, giving our customers the opportunity to sit back and gain insight from industry leaders.
Want to learn more? Here’s a recap of some of our top Hangouts.
Domain investing tips on YouTube
Best practices for selling domains
Need to maximize exposure for the domains you’re trying to sell? In this Aftermarket Google Hangout, we cover using to put more eyes on your domains. Special guests for this episode include Alan Shiflett and Todd Cantwell from Afternic.
Buying valuable domain names

In order to list domain names for sale, you need to first find some valuable domains. In this video, we cover buying valuable domain names with special guest Brian Cowan of GoDaddy’s Aftermarket team.
Editor’s note: Looking for the next big name? Discover undervalued domain names using GoDaddy Domain Appraisals to find the best deals.
Looking into expiring domains
If you’re interested in learning how to buy expiring domain names, you need to know the basics. We cover it all so you know what happens when a domain expires and the best avenues for securing it. Expired domains are a great way to build your domain inventory!
Buying domains from owners

Sometimes, you’re only interested in buying a specific domain name — one that’s already owned. In this Aftermarket Google Hangout, we talk with domain investor extraordinaire Braden Pollock and discuss domain investing tips and tricks for securing domains from owners.
GoDaddy Domain Broker Service
Want a broker to secure a domain on your behalf? Check out GoDaddy’s Domain Broker Service. In order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the service, we’ve got two Aftermarket Google Hangouts.
In this video, you’ll hear from our top Domain Broker Service brokers Bill Nelson and Brian Cowan who frequently acquire domain names on customers’ behalf. In this video, Aftermarket Sales Manager Michael Rogers discusses the functionality of GoDaddy’s Domain Broker Service.
How to value domains
Whether you’re new in the industry or an old hat at domain investing, it’s always important to learn how to value a domain name. We cover this at length with two well-respected industry veterans, Ammar Kubba and Page Howe. We also value domains live that were sent in by customers.
Pro tip: Don’t forget to use GoDaddy Domain Appraisals to buy a valuable domain name with confidence.
Premier services for domains
Most domain investors qualify for our top-tier support via our Premier Services team. In addition to helping with a variety of issues, Premier Service Representatives are assigned to specific accounts to provide personal support. They actively look for ways to help customers succeed, especially when it comes to securing domain names that are not publicly for sale. Greg Silvius, manager of Premier Services platinum team, and Brian Roof, Premier Services Representative, cover the bases for this service.
Using domains to expand your business
A strong domain name can make a huge difference. In this Aftermarket Google Hangout, we discuss domain investing tips for selecting and using domains to build and expand your business. Luke Webster, a successful serial entrepreneur, shares what domains he’s bought and how they made a difference for his business.
Domain Discount Club
Everyone wants to save money. So, we talked with Aftermarket product manager Sarah Ptalis to highlight the benefits of using GoDaddy’s Discount Domain Club.
In conclusion
Stay tuned for more information from our Aftermarket team. We frequently hold hangouts to share domain investing tips, and we love to field questions from our viewers. If you want to get updates for future hangouts, follow us on twitter @godaddyauctions for announcements. Ready to search for a domain name of your own? Get started today.